
[iOS SDK] Added hotspots

Release note:

Updates to PXLPhotoProductView

  • If showHotspots = true is passed from the app-side to PXLPhotoProductView, SDK draws hotspots on PXLPhotoProductView similar to lightbox
  • Tapping a hotspot scrolls the product list UI and navigate to the right product.
  • Tapping the content hide and show all hotspots.
  • always read original url to get content's width and height for calculating the positions of hotspots on the screen because bounding_box_products's x, y, with, height are generated based on the original content's width height from Control Panel.


[DATA] Added a new field to PXLPhoto

  • boundingBoxProducts contains hotspots' positions on the content
public struct PXLPhoto: Equatable {
    public let boundingBoxProducts: [BoundingBoxProduct]?

public struct BoundingBoxProduct: Codable {
    let x, y, width, height: Int
    let aspectRatio, productID: Int

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case x, y, width, height
        case aspectRatio = "aspect_ratio"
        case productID = "product_id"

[UI] Added a new option to PXLPhotoProductView to display hotspots

  • showHotspots: Bool is added to PXLPhotoProductView
    - true: display hotspots. tapping on the content show/hide hotspots.
    - false: don't display hotspots.

  • note that hotspots are only visible on Image. it's not available on video.

  • Code Example of PXLPhotoProductView

    • To display hotspots, you need to set showHotspots: true. Please see the example codes below.
     let widget = PXLPhotoProductView.widgetForPhoto(photo: ...,
                  cropMode: ...,
                  showHotspots: true,

# Please note that below can happen
Some hotspots are located outside of the screen. This's not a bug. It's from the different screen ratios of mobile devices and the display options which are ImageScaleType's [FIT_CENTER, CENTER_CROP].
### What does ImageScaleType do?
- FIT_CENTER displays all areas of the image keeping the ratio of the content and fill the rest of the screen with a blurry image. 
- CENTER_CROP also keeps the ratio of the content. It fills the screen and crops the rest of the areas.
Situation 1. FIT_CENTER: displays hotspots in most cases. but it cannot display hotspots that are located outside of the screen area.
Situation 2. CENTER_CROP:  hotspots are located outside of the screen because the areas of the image where certain hotspots are supposed to be located are cropped.

Here's the example

### Example 1: Best case
|Control Panel|
|<img src="" width="600">|

|<img src="" width="300">|<img src="" width="300">|

### Example 2: in CENTER_CROP, one hotspot is off the screen.
|Control Panel|
|<img src="" width="600">|

|<img src="" width="300">|<img src="" width="300">|

### Example 3: in CENTER_CROP, one hotspot is located under the product list UI.
|Control Panel|
|<img src="" width="600">|

|<img src="" width="300">|<img src="" width="300">|

### Example 4: 
- FIT_CENTER: a hotspot located top left is partially off the screen.
- CENTER_CROP: the same hotspot is totally off the screen.

|Control Panel|
|<img src="" width="600">|

|<img src="" width="300">|<img src="" width="300">|