This returns the total content count based on the album_id and the options of filters parameter

filters parameter: JSON

  • filter_by_connected_user_ids (Optional) : array[Int]
  • filter_by_email_addresses (Optional) : array[String]
  • has_permission(Optional): Boolean
  • approved(Optional): Boolean
  • filter_by_userhandle(Optional): JSON object used for finding user_name or email_address.
    • "equals": A string value representing a single user_name or email_address to filter by.
    • "is_one_of": A list of string values, where each value represents a user_name or email_address to filter by. The search results will include any documents that contain at least one of the specified user_names or email_addresses in the list.
    • "not_equals": A list of string values, where each value represents a user_name or email_address to exclude from the search results.












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